School of Comprehensive Studies

Those wishing to study at the School of Comprehensive Studies must pass the Individual Achievement Test First Round (Comprehensive-Based) in Japanese.
There is no special test for international students.

Welcome to the School of Comprehensive Studies!

A varied curriculum for broader horizons and a brighter future
山中 弘
YAMANAKA HiroshiDean of School of Comprehensive Studies

The School of Comprehensive Studies is our newest school. This is where first-year students who come to the University of Tsukuba via the comprehensive-based selection begin their journey, before progressing to their selected colleges and schools the following year.

Therefore, it is tailored specifically to the academic needs of students who come to us via comprehensive-based selection.

The purpose of this school is in its name: The School of Comprehensive Studies does not specialize in one particular area, but instead provides a broad initial grounding that takes from all fields of study.

By incorporating multiple academic fields before students take specialized studies at their chosen colleges and schools, the School of Comprehensive Studies helps students develop the broad perspective needed to see and approach problems from multiple directions. We hope students will use this opportunity to draw knowledge from a wide variety of fields.


This year of general study alongside students who bring a variety of approaches and aspirations to the mix enables each student to consider their future path and select the college or school that best suits their areas of interest. And that weighty decision need not be taken alone: the Academic Support Center, an exclusive feature of the School of Comprehensive Studies, is there to help students make the most of their time with us.

Ultimately, though, it is up to you, the students, to get the maximum benefit from your year at the School of Comprehensive Studies. We urge each and every one of you to be proactive and work hard to build a solid foundation for the rest of your studies.

What the School of Comprehensive Studies Offers
  1. 共通科目と専門導入科目の履修 1Coverage of common foundation subjects and introductory subjects First-year students concentrate mainly on common foundation subjects and the introductory subjects that all students undertake. Common foundation subjects are compulsory for all students, and cover the basic skills needed to study at university level, including multidisciplinary subjects, physical education, foreign languages, and information literacy.
  2. 各学類・専門学群への移行 2Progression to colleges and schools In late February, as first-year studies draw to a close, students submit to the university their desired colleges and schools in order of preference. There is no limit to the number of preferences a student can submit, and the admission category through which students come to the University of Tsukuba does not limit their subsequent college and school options (with the exception of the School of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences).
  3. 筑波大学キャンパス 3Support systems for students Students can take advantage of a wide range of support, including the Academic Support Center, which is exclusive to the School of Comprehensive Studies, as well as class instructors and the university’s student support organization.


  • 写真:上野 修平 /筑波大生デジタルフォトコンテスト